Friday, November 28, 2003

It's been a perfect Thanksgiving. This year Danny and I decided it would just be the two of us. At first, I was like, "But what about the family!!! What about the love!!!" But it's been great because I realized that we are family. And we are in love. :) Probably next year we'll go to LA or something, but this year, we had Thanksgiving dinner at California Cafe in Los Gatos. Then we went to San Luis Obispo. We walked all night at Farmer's Market and had a blast. Right now we're in an internet cafe waiting for our movie to start. Elf. And tomorrow we get to see Hearst Castle! I've just been having the time of my life. And you know for Danny, having an internet cafe break is GREAT.

So we're going to have a busy December. First weekend is Miriam and Minho's wedding, in which we're both involved. My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and her husband will be staying with us. Then the week after, Karen is coming to visit!! The week after that, Las Vegas, baby. With my college friends. Then Houston. Then LA for another wedding.

Which reminds me. I have two weddings to attend this month, and I can't figure out what to wear for both of them. I'm so sad that there are no clothes out there that fits my taste. Maybe it's partly that I don't have a fashion sense. It can very well be that I'm just a dud. But, I'm looking for specific things in clothing, and I can't seem to find them. Or, if I do, it's too expensive to buy. I wish I can design my own clothing.

Friday, November 21, 2003

My students are creating PowerPoint presentations for their parents on Tuesday, and we've been madly trying to finish them. Today one student deleted her second slide, but I guess didn't know what to do about it, so she just started working on it all over again. Instead calling me over and asking me to undo what she just did, she went ahead and started working on it. It's lost forever. She started crying. My students are only in third grade, and are already experiencing the pain of losing work on the computer. It reminded me of the time in college that I had to write my whole paper again because I accidentally deleted it. I hated that gut-wrenching feeling. So, I'm going to do what I can to help her out during lunch.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

My grandmother passed away several days ago. Since she lived in Korea, I was never too close to her. I only saw her every couple of years, but she was the only grandmother I knew. I remember there was a time when she visited America, and stayed with us for a couple of months. The two most important things she made sure she taught me during that time was 1) to always hand over a pair of scissors handle-side first and 2) that I am from the "mi-ryang" Park tribe. There are apparently three major kinds of Parks, and she really wanted me to know which one I belonged to. Perhaps she contributed to my sense of identity. Some Korean-Americans never know what kind of Kim or Lee or Choi they are, and it's not that important to them. But because my grandmother taught me, I remember and feel like I know who I am and where I come from.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I have bronchitis again. I don't know what it is, but every time I get a little cold, it turns into this nasty bronchial infection where I cough and cough so much that i get a six pack on my abs. Also, this is gross, but I lose control of my bladder sometimes when I have a coughing fit. Not total control!! But just a little. It's unpleasant, let me tell you. Whenever I get sick, I think of my mom and I always call her. I'm 25 years old, a quarter of a century under my belt, but I still feel like I need my mommy. And the greatest thing is, she just sits there and listens to my ailing complaints. She doesn't offer any advice or ask any questions, which is not what I want from her, but she gives me unconditional sympathy. Aww.... poor baby, she'd say. I am a poor baby! I'd reply. Then she always tells me the story of how when I was born, she remembers coughing a lot. It was a cold January night. She thinks that because she was coughing a lot when I was born, it somehow passed onto me. Perhaps she feels partly responsible for my weak body.

Anyways, I went to the doctor this week and I got some medication to help my bronchial infection to heal. I've never used an inhaler medicine, but it's kind of a fun way to take your medicine. Does anybody else feel sorry for me?? :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I think women relationships are harder to build than men relationships. A lot of women, including me, think that hanging out with guys is so much easier than hanging out with women. Why? Because in general, men are just more chill than women. They don't get all sensitive about the way people say things, and it's easier to joke around with men. (I realize that I'm stepping on some dangerous waters by generalizing about men and women, but really, these are my thoughts, so I should be able to express them freely.) Anyways, so back to men and how they are so easy to hang out with. So, my theory is that it takes work for women to bond with other women. You have to be a little more sensitive with each other, not joke around harshly with each other in the beginning, resist the temptation to compete with each other when other men are around, and learn to accept each other as we are. It's tough, but I've found that it's so worth it. Having meaningful female relationships in my life is great, and I don't know what I would do without them.