Friday, January 21, 2005

7 Ways to Annoy Me

7. Use the word "racism" incorrectly.

6. Say you're going to do something, and then flake. (Tardiness doesn't annoy me nor cancelling because of a good reason nor saying no from the get-go, but flakiness is a BIG annoyer.)

5. Talk about why you hate "Friends."

4. Sing the wrong harmony, but think that it's right. (Singing the wrong lyrics, however, does not annoy me. :) )

3. Talk about politics over dinner.

2. Ask me how come I never became a principal or a teacher of older kids who teaches "harder" subjects. Basically, people who have no idea what elementary teachers go through, and just dismiss the job as some lower class job, annoy me.

1. Rivalries. School rivalry annoys me. NoCal/SoCal rivalry annoys me. Why can't people just get along?

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