Friday, December 01, 2006

Crazy Food

Tonight I had leftover rice and some random Korean side dishes for dinner, while feeding Abby her dinner of Earth's Best peas with brown rice and a big cube of soft tofu, the kind you would use to make soondooboo. Then, after putting her to sleep, I boiled some water and ate some Shin Ramen in a cup. Wow, that was great! It hit the spot on a cold wintry-like day. While watching "Overboard" and folding laundry, I suddenly wanted Rice Krispies treats, but realized that we didn't have any marshmallows. SO, what did I do? I got a bowl of Rice Krispies, a giant scoop of crunchy peanut butter, and some mini Hershey's bars from our leftover Halloween candy stash, and had a grand ol' time. It was yummy delicious. But now I feel totally bloated, my teeth feel sugary, and I'm tired because it is now way past midnight.

I need guidance and direction in my life.


Anonymous said... just need marshmellows.

hi jieun!

Anonymous said...

YO! Take a p-test! you've been acting more preggers than me lately.

What's the deal with the anonymous spammers?

jieungrace said...

hi carey!!!