Monday, March 13, 2006

Emotional Danny

Danny has been very emotional lately. We watched an episode of West Wing last night, and he was tearing up because it touched him that they were trying to "do the right thing." And then a couple of nights before that, his eyes welled up with tears as he played Keith Green's "Prodigal Son" on the piano. After playing, he started bawling (our wedding-esque) because it just touched him so much. I asked him was it your playing that touched you or God's heart for the prodigal son? Haha. Just kidding. And I just read his entry about a song and how he feels like crying every time he hears it.

Do guys go through hormonal changes? Does he have sympathy pregnancy hormones raging inside of him? I mean, it's perfectly normal for me to go through crying sessions, but for him, it's not the norm. In any case, I like it. When we were dating, he told me that he thought he didn't have tear ducts because he cried exactly two times in his life. I said, "Interesting." Since then, I've seen the waterworks turn on many times. Especially at our wedding. He and his dad (who officiated and was standing up there with us) were both a watery, snotty mess. :) Good times! I just think in general it's great to see men cry. It's sad that they're socialized not to. It's the greatest release of emotion in the world! I feel tons better after a good cry.

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