Thursday, March 25, 2004

The fifth graders at our school are earning merits for helping teachers in the classroom. It's part of their Civil War unit. HOORAY! Two of them are taking down my Ancient Greece bulletin board as I write. Ah. I always get a ton of things done around the classroom during Civil War time.

I love my job. I feel very lucky. I only hear about how people hate their jobs, grow dull to the pain and suffering involved with their jobs, or run away from their jobs back to school. Except for Hanah. She's always saying, "I LOVE my job!" And Barbara.

Anyways, I think I need to slow down a bit. I've been tutoring two kids after school, two times a week. I've been involved with the 8th grade play (which is on April 7th and 8th). I am always behind in grading student work. Did you ever have one of those teachers who never pass back tests and assignments until way later? Well, that's me.

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