Sunday, July 10, 2005

Many of our friends are gung-ho about a game called Settlers. WHY??? I guess I just don't like games that take hours to play, have complicated rules, involve making business deals with other players, and are BORING.

Other games I do not like: Poker, Bohnanza, Trivial Pursuit, any X-Box game, Risk

Basically all the games that Danny loves, I hate.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a people person, and I'm swayed by peer pressure. If everyone wants to play a certain game and it's crucial that I play, I'll play. I'm a good sport.

But today a bunch of people came over and played Settlers. I took a big fat nap. It felt good. Something about a Sunday afternoon nap... Anyways, when I came out, they had just finished playing one game of Settlers, and was setting up to play AGAIN. What is that?? I don't get it. Am I missing something here? Maybe it's because I hate logic. Danny often calls my Settler moves "bold." Meaning, "how illogical and not conducive to winning." But maybe I don't play to win. Maybe that's not my goal! Maybe I value illogical thinking ability. They should create a game that celebrates illogical thinking and non-strategic moves. I would be good at that game.

Oh, and I still haven't seen Star Wars!

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