Monday, August 18, 2003

Current books I am reading:

Best Friends, Worst Enemies
Surprised by the Voice of God

Current books Danny is reading:

The Future of Freedom
Song Lyrics

Ever since living with Danny I have re-discovered my love of reading. My husband seriously reads about a million things a day. From the moment he awakes, he has this ritual of opening the front door, getting the San Jose Mercury (after making sure that nobody will see him in his underpants), and reading a portion of it as he does his business in the bathroom. Eventually he'll read the whole newspaper in its entirety once he gets home from work. At work he proably reads everything from Fantasy Baseball,, CNN, movie reviews, emails, peoples' thoughts pages, jbb, and the list goes on. Well, thanks to him, I have started reading Newsweek. Maybe one or two articles per issue - I can't stand reading things that bore me to death (like when I read thoughts pages that deal with highly esoteric material...) And I read Harry Potter this summer, which was very enjoyable.

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