Sunday, November 16, 2003

I have bronchitis again. I don't know what it is, but every time I get a little cold, it turns into this nasty bronchial infection where I cough and cough so much that i get a six pack on my abs. Also, this is gross, but I lose control of my bladder sometimes when I have a coughing fit. Not total control!! But just a little. It's unpleasant, let me tell you. Whenever I get sick, I think of my mom and I always call her. I'm 25 years old, a quarter of a century under my belt, but I still feel like I need my mommy. And the greatest thing is, she just sits there and listens to my ailing complaints. She doesn't offer any advice or ask any questions, which is not what I want from her, but she gives me unconditional sympathy. Aww.... poor baby, she'd say. I am a poor baby! I'd reply. Then she always tells me the story of how when I was born, she remembers coughing a lot. It was a cold January night. She thinks that because she was coughing a lot when I was born, it somehow passed onto me. Perhaps she feels partly responsible for my weak body.

Anyways, I went to the doctor this week and I got some medication to help my bronchial infection to heal. I've never used an inhaler medicine, but it's kind of a fun way to take your medicine. Does anybody else feel sorry for me?? :)

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