Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I think women relationships are harder to build than men relationships. A lot of women, including me, think that hanging out with guys is so much easier than hanging out with women. Why? Because in general, men are just more chill than women. They don't get all sensitive about the way people say things, and it's easier to joke around with men. (I realize that I'm stepping on some dangerous waters by generalizing about men and women, but really, these are my thoughts, so I should be able to express them freely.) Anyways, so back to men and how they are so easy to hang out with. So, my theory is that it takes work for women to bond with other women. You have to be a little more sensitive with each other, not joke around harshly with each other in the beginning, resist the temptation to compete with each other when other men are around, and learn to accept each other as we are. It's tough, but I've found that it's so worth it. Having meaningful female relationships in my life is great, and I don't know what I would do without them.

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