Monday, January 26, 2004

I experienced the power of connections today. At the gym, I signed up for a free three-month membership that my friend gave me. But it was restricted to only one facility, no classes, and I could go only three times a week. Then, I mentioned that I was a teacher at HiLlBroOk School, and he said, "Oh? I used to go there! For eight years." He then proceeded to relay the happiest moments of his childhood that was apparently spent at HiLlBrOok School. Because of my connections to this school, he gave me full access to all five facilities in the bay area, any class I wanted to attend (even those new bike classes), and any day of the week. Wow!

I took this as a sign from the Lord that I really have no excuse for the next three months to get some exercise. It's quite scary how flabby I've become. My nice rippling arm muscles from my cheer and colorguard days are no longer in existence; in its place are soft sacs of fat. But no more I tell you! This is the year that Jieun takes care of her body. Aerobic exercise, flexibility, toned muscles... these are my goals. Plus, Danny is my inspiration. Seriously, for two years straight, he's been going to the gym pretty consistently. What results! You should check him out next time you see him. As for me, I'll give an update on how I'm doing next week.

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