Saturday, April 03, 2004

I don't know how to take care of myself. Growing up, I always expected my mom to take care of me, which she always did. As an adult, I now rely on my husband to take care of me. And he does it so well. But I'm sick of being sick. I have such a weak body. I hate it. Whenever I get sick, I start coughing like a mad woman. I've had this ever since I was a young child. My mom claims it's because she was coughing like a mad woman during the time of my birth, one cold January night back in 1978. Whatever it is, it's very annoying. I think I wrote about this before, but I sometimes lose control of my bladder when coughing. Not total control, but just a little. I have to concentrate real hard. So that means when I'm coughing and walking at the same time, I have to stop walking. It's like chewing gum and walking at the same time. Impossible to do.

I already missed one day of school, which I hate doing. And, today I missed an all-day rehearsal of the school play. :( I just want to get better and be healthy.

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