Thursday, July 29, 2004

Guess what!  I GOT MY EARS PIERCED!  It's really a significant event for me.  It's not like I'm twelve, and I just got my ears pierced.  I'm 26 and I just got my ears pierced!  My whole life, I wanted my ears pierced.  Ever since I was young, I begged my mom, "Can I get my ears pierced?"  I would say, "If I can't get my ears pierced, then I want a dog!"  My mom is simply not a dog person.  So, she ended up saying no to both.  She said that when I'm 18, I can do whatever I wanted.  So by the time 18 rolled around, I had developed a sense of pride about not having my ears pierced.  I was different.  I was UNIQUE.  But inside I still really wanted it.  I remember being jealous of Karen's way-cool blue skeleton earrings.  They dangled and everything! 

So I just denied myself of it, lost interest for a while, and wanted it again a couple years back when I got married.  But I knew my mom would have a fit if she saw me on my wedding day with my pierced ears.  She's not opposed to jewelry, I realized, because she pushed for me to get clip-on earrings.  She is just freaked out about body piercing of any kind. 

So when I was in Korea earlier this month, I mentioned to her that I wanted to get my ears pierced and she exclaimed, "No!" with a look of terror on her face.  Geez.  Then when I came back, I realized that I'm 26 now, and I can pretty much make my own decisions. 

So when Brittany said let's do something "wild and crazy" this past week, I suggested LET'S GET MY EARS PIERCED!  So I did.  Thanks to Brittany, Miriam, and Minho who loved and supported me through the process. 

And kudos to Danny for noticing when I picked him up from the airport at 1:30am! 

By the way, please don't tell my mother yet.  I'm still thinking of a way to gently let her know.    

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